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A c t   W i t h   K n o w l e d g e

For a full life, for a conscious life, for a meaningful life.



 Actveda means acting with knowledge. It means to conduct yourself in a matter to achieve a life of plenitude and conscious. A life with purpose. Actveda seeks to connect intent to action through self-knowledge, bringing conscience to individual and global changes. 

Actveda is a social business that feeds on empathy, consciousness, clarity of purpose, freedom of choice and authenticity. By doing so, it promotes accessible self-knowledge, based on the pillars of intention, words, and actions.


Actveda provides a multimedia center - videos, texts, and podcasts - in order for you to get the scoop on everything related to the world of self-knowledge.

““Relating action to knowledge is an incentive to responsibility and coherence - aspects that are neglected by the individualistic, consumerist, and immediatist culture that plagues or days.””  Lia Diskin

The Meditation Course exceeded my expectations. In 40 days I turned meditation into a habit, and I’m sure I’ll do it for the rest of my life, bringing positive changes to it.
Fernanda Mainzer


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